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Liberty House

Liberty House is a child abuse assessment center serving Marion and Polk Counties. Liberty House offers a safe, comfortable, child-friendly environment for children and their families who are facing concerns of abuse or neglect. Our experienced staff members know how to help children and teens, and can provide support so children and their family members can get the help they need with fewer appointments and more coordination.

National Children's Alliance

A network of child abuse assessment centers throughout the United States of America. Find one in your area. 

Darkness to Light

Darkness to Light is a non-profit committed to empowering adults to prevent child sexual abuse.

Our work is guided by the vision of a world free from child sexual abuse, where children can grow up happy, healthy and safe. 


We know that prevention is possible, and we believe that it is an adult responsibility to protect children.

Trauma Information Pages

These Trauma Pages focus primarily on emotional trauma and traumatic stress, including PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder) and dissociation, whether following individual traumatic experience(s) or a large-scale disaster. The purpose of this award winning site is to provide information for clinicians and researchers in the traumatic-stress field. Specifically, my interests here include both clinical and research aspects of trauma responses and their resolution. For example:

  1. What goes on biologically in the brain during traumatic experience and its resolution?

  2. Which psychotherapeutic procedures are most effective with traumatic symptoms, for which patients and why?

  3. How can we best measure clinical efficacy and treatment outcome for trauma survivor populations?

Supportive resources supplement the more academic or research information of interest to clinicians, researchers, and students. I do realize that these are not mutually exclusive groups.

Continuously online since May 19, 1995 (a month after the Oklahoma City bombing), this site has welcomed 1,726,970 visits (514 today). Please check back, and enjoy exploring the extensive trauma resources available on this site!

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The Wounded Heart: Hope for Adult Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse

Dan B. Allender Ph.D.

Almost everybody knows a victim of childhood sexual abuse---perhaps the most soul-deadening trauma there is. In this Christ-centered resource, Allender assures adult survivors that there is a way out of the rage, fear, and confusion---and offers their spouses, families, friends, and counselors specific ways to help the healing process. Foreword by Larry Crabb. 304 pages, softcover from NavPress.

The Wounded Heart Workbook

Dan B. Allender Ph.D.

Tired of feeling victimized and ashamed? Ready to overcome the past? Prepare for an intensely personal step-by-step journey of change! With courage, honesty, and God's help, you'll confront the truth of sexual abuse; understand your fears; and discover hope. Features special sections for men, discussion suggestions, and reflective quotes. For personal or group use. 304 pages, softcover from NavPress.

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The Princess and the Kiss

Jennie Bishop

A loving king and queen present their daughter with a gift from God--her first kiss--to keep or to give away. The wise girl waits for the man who is worthy of her precious gift. Where is he and how will she ever find him? The surprising answer in this marvelous parable will touch the heart of parent and child alike.


The Princess and the Kiss beautifully portrays the ageless message that "love ... comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith" (1 Timothy 1:5 NIV). Recommended for all ages, especially ages 6 and up.

The Squire and the Scroll: A Tale of the Rewards of a Pure Heart

Jennie Bishop

Little girls worldwide have embraced Jennie Bishop's best-selling morality tale The Princess and the Kiss--and ever since its publication, parents have been clamoring for a companion book for boys. Here's the answer! This captivating adventure follows a young squire who travels a long, dangerous road beside his brave knight on a quest for their king. The action builds until the final face-off with the monstrous, evil dragon. Only then does the Squire learn of the secret beyond the cave that ends in a joyous celebration for the entire kingdom.


Children will gain valuable insight as they learn, along with the young squire, what it means to face the dangers of temptation, and what it takes to guard one's heart from all that is impure. Recommended for ages 6 and up.

God's Design for Sex Series, Book 1: The Story of Me, Ages 3 to 5 2007 Version

Stan Jones, Brenna Jones

It's never too early to begin giving your child a practical understanding of his or her unique, beautiful body and why God designed it to be exactly the way it is. The Story of Me is the first book in this series, written to be read to children ages 3 to 5. With candid, age-appropriate language and realistic illustrations, The Story of Me explains:

  • God's love and the goodness of all He has made

  • The nurturing family as God's context for love

  • Why God wants each baby to have both a mommy and a daddy

  • The specialness of being made a boy or a girl

  • Proper names for private body parts

God's Design for Sex Series, Book 2: Before I Was Born, 2007 Version

Carolyn Nystrom

If you are looking for a trusted resource to use in explaining sexuality to children 5 to 8 years old you will find this gently illustrated book an asset. From a biblical viewpoint you can explain sexuality, human reproduction, and the growth of a child inside the mother's body. Understandable yet straightforward text, and softened, but very realistic illustrations show the physical differences between men and women before and after puberty, as well as the miracle of childbirth. Children will develop an appreciation for God's marvelous gift of their bodies, including their sexual organs, and begin to understand the concept of families as God's intended framework for their own nurture and growth.


This is Book Two in the God's Design for Sex series, with over 250,000 copies in print. It will allow you as the parent to be your child's primary sex educator, teaching what God's design for sex is all about, through marriage, pregnancy, and birth.

God's Design for Sex Series, Book 3: What's the Big Deal? Ages 8 to 11, 2007 Version

Stan Jones, Brenna Jones

Third in the series, this book reinforces previous instruction on the basics of sexual intercourse and the fundamental goodness of our sexuality, continues the task of deliberately building your child's understanding of why God intends sex to be reserved for marriage, and helps you begin the process of "inoculating" your child against the negative moral messages of the world. The principle of inoculation suggests that while we should not allow our children to be inundated with the destructive messages of the world, we should deliberately expose them to the contrary moral messages that they will hear in order to build up their defenses against them. Content is presented in a question & answer format in which questions by "Sam" and "Amy" are followed by answers from "Mom" and "Dad." You can read this book with your child or have him/her read it and then discuss it with you. Each chapter is concluded with questions for discussion. Recommended for ages 8 to 11.

God's Design for Sex Series, Book 4: Facing the Facts: The Truth About Sex and , Ages 11 to 14, 2007 Version

Stan Jones, Brenna Jones

Don't leave your kids in the dark when it comes to learning about the changes that they'll be facing during puberty and during the years ahead. Facing the Facts provides a springboard for parents and pre-teens/teens to discuss the role of puberty in the development of sexuality; how girls & boy's bodies change, how a woman gets pregnant, why God wants abstinence until marriage; love, dating, relationships and more. Provide your children with the 'facts' of growing up, as well as with the biblical principles accompanying such changes. 125 pages, softcover. Recommended for ages 11-14.

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How and When to Tell Your Kids About Sex: A Lifelong Approach to Shaping Your Child's Sexual Character, revised

Stan Jones, Brenna Jones

There's more to teaching your kids about sex than a nervous discussion of the birds and the bees. In How and When to Tell Your Kids About Sex, you'll find important, helpful information on concerns your children face from infancy through adolescence. Building on a biblical foundation, they discuss how to talk with your children about sexual issues and when it's appropriate to tell them what.

Protecting the Gift: Keeping Children and Teenagers Safe (and Parents Sane)

Gavin de Becker

Safety skills for children outside the home
Warning signs of sexual abuse
How to screen baby-sitters and choose schools
Strategies for keeping teenagers safe from violence

Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood: Practical Parenting From Birth to Six Years

Jim Fay & Charles Fay Ph.D.

Parenting little ones can be exhausting...until you discover Love and Logic. Take the exhaustion out and put the fun into parenting your little one. If you want help with:

  • Potty training.

  • Temper tantrums.

  • Bedtime.

  • Whining .

  • Time-out.

  • Hassle-free mornings.

and many other everyday challenges, then this book is for you! This book is the tool parents of little ones have been waiting for. America's Parenting Experts Jim and Charles Fay, Ph.D., help you start your child off on the right foot. The tools in Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood will give you the building blocks you need to create children who grow up to be responsible, successful teens and adults. And as a bonus you will enjoy every stage of your child's life and look forward to sharing a lifetime of joy with them.

Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood: Practical Parenting From Birth to Six Years

Foster Cline, M.D. & Jim Fay

This parenting book shows you how to raise self-confident, motivated children who are ready for the real world. Learn how to parent effectively while teaching your children responsibility and growing their character.

Establish healthy control through easy-to-implement steps without anger, threats, nagging, or power struggles.

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